On-Farm Water Management

Do you know how much water you need or could store coming into a drought or dry season? If you don’t, you’re not alone. Water is a necessity but is often overlooked when it comes to farm planning.

The On-Farm Water Management project aims to reduce the impact of drought through the preparation and implementation of on-farm water management plans (FWMP).

A FWMP determines water needs (stock and domestic) and the capacity to meet these needs (dam, tank, bore). Landholders and farm managers will then implement proven on-farm actions to ensure they have adequate water in the right places across the farm (via storage and reticulation). By managing water, drought impacts on livestock, productive pastures, soil, and natural assets, will be minimised, and production, both during and recovery after drought will be improved.

A series of workshops will be held across the Murray region to assist with the development of FWMPs and assistance will be provided to landholders at 1:1 follow-up sessions to finalise the plans if required.

This project is applicable to all situations where farm grazing enterprises exist, and stock and domestic water is managed on-farm.

Join us at our local workshops in May

Corowa District Landcare, together with West Hume Landcare, are hosting a series of Farm Water Management Planning workshops in Burrumbuttock on the 1st May 2024 and Corowa on the 2nd May 2024.

Peter Smith from Sapphire Irrigation will lead the full-day workshops which will also feature other guest presenters. The workshops will assist you with developing a comprehensive Farm Water Management Plan for your enterprise. The plan will cover available water storage, water supply assessment and estimating livestock and farm activity demand.

When you register, you will be sent a link to a free introductory unit on enhancing farm dams through Tocal College. This will take around 10 minutes to complete. There are a range of other units available which you may choose to complete also. Assistance will be available for estimating your current dam volumes before the workshop to help inform your plan.